Oh, Mark'O .
Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 3:46 PM
SEPT HOLZZ (: HEY GUYS! my sept holz were GRE8! lets start off wat happened on monday (: Monday. woke up at 9. OMG! so early ehh? so ate breakfast, watch tv, play com. in de afternoon, wen 2 paati hse@bedok wid my mum 2 give food 2 paati. i was watchin tv there.. thn after tht wen 2 marine parade cause my mum wanna give a form. so we gave de form. after givin de form, we went 2 LJS and ate. after eatin went in PARKWAY PARADE! so we shop there. i bought a green-tee (: after tht took a bus 2 bedok MRT, thn took train bak 2 home. at nite, watch tv, play de com and wen 2 sleep at 11 + . Tuesday. woke up at 10+ . PHEW! so did de same old stuff from mornin till evenin. was at home since mornin till evenin. durin de evenin, i and my bro wen 2 e-hub! u watch WALL-E! so we buy de tickets, buy popcorn and off we went 2 de cinema hall. WOW! de movie was gre8. extremely funny. haha. made me laugh lyk crazy. thn after tht wen back home. reach at 10+ . thn watch tv, play com. wen 2 sleep at 12++ . Wednesday. Was at home all day. BORING! so did de same stuff as usual. sleep at 11. Thursday. woke up at 10. so ate breakfast, watch tv. played de guitar. until my mum wen 2 work, i sms sneha wether i can cum 2 her hse anot. she say ok. so wen i wen there, i told her 2 wait 4 me under her blok. so as i went up, rahman&asrul were there. bt they were in vishal's rm. they locked de room. so i&sneha watched tv. called navin. HAHA! the sister thought i was a gurl and she was bullyin navin saying " NAVIN HAS A GF! " hahaha. thn called hym names on de fone. after tht i said 2 sneha tht i wanna watch ghost movie. so she called alifah cause she had de congkak cd. thn sneha called her wether she could cum 2 de hse. she said ok. thn we 3 watched. ARGH! was screamin lyk hell. thn asrul&rahman came out of de rm, and they 2 were scarin de 3 of us. OMG! haha. thn after de movie ended, went in vishal's rm. and used de com. asrul&rahman were tellin jokes 2 us. HAHA! they are extremely funny. they could be comedians one day. HAHA! thn after tht wen bak home at 5+. wen home wid alifah thn sneha called me. she said tht rahman said tht i&alifah were lyk a couple. PLS LA! haha. thn wen goin home tym saw FARIS (: so i chatted wid hym 4 a few mins. and off i went home. so ate dinner. played de com. watch tv. vishal call me. and ask me 2 call hym bak. so i called. he was talkin 2 izzuan&peiyee. so he conference. so talk crap. HAHA! izzuan's jokes were sooo funny. went 2 sleep at 3++ Friday. was at home all day. GRRR! my parentz were lazy 2 go out. thts y nvr go out. -_-'' so at nite called vishal. he conferenced wid pei yee&izzuan AGAIN! talk crap.. slept at 2+ YAY! i cnt wait tis cumin sundae cause they're showin CAMP ROCK! WOOO! DE JONAS BROTHERS ARE ACTIN! i'm gonna laugh&cry wen i watch it. since talkin bout it, i'll put a trailer parody of de movie. HAHA! ENJOY (: |